Hey, I’m Kayleigh,


nice to meet you!

I’m a graphic designer and illustrator trying to make the world a more creative place, one project at a time! Welcome to my website! Feel free to throw on some comfy pants, and explore. If you see what you like, contact me and we’ll make your ideas come to life!



Even as a child, I have always been fascinated with stories and how people tell theirs. There’s something in everyone that wants to be seen and known. Everyone has their own story. Let’s work together to tell yours and bring your ideas to life!


In all of my work I strive to step outside of the box in order to bring design that is truly one of a kind. Where it is so easy to get into a comfortable rut, my goal is to break the mold! Let’s create something that unique and looks fantastic.


Hard work and integrity has been and always will be my policy. I want to work toward making your ideas into reality. Honesty and commitment to your project is my priority.


Graphic Design

Head on over to my graphic design portfolio, where you’ll see a collection of some of my work.


Maybe graphic design isn’t what you’re looking for, but that’s alright! Go look at my illustrations, they’re pretty fun too.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will guide your paths.

Proverbs 3: 5-6